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Family & Collaborative Services

  • San Bernardino County Crisis Response Team, 7 am – 10 pm Daily: (909) 458-1517 or (909) 535-1316 (pager). *Pager Instructions: After the tone, enter the callback number and press # and the Crisis Response Team will return your call. (The pager does not accept voicemail.)

  • Crisis Walk-In Clinic: 850 E. Foothill Blvd., Rialto, 8 am – 8 pm (Mon- Fri) & 8 am – 5 pm (Saturday): (909) 421-9495.

  • DBH Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU)- Merrill Center ( Ages 13+), 14677 Merrill Avenue, Fontana (909) 643-2340 (Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

  • CALL/TEXT ANONYMOUSLY 24/7 ï‚· NATIONAL Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK (8255) ï‚· Crisis Text Line Text HOME to 741741


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Due to concerns regarding COVID-19, many schools and places of business are temporarily closed. For up-to-date information regarding closures of these places, please check their websites. Please explore this website for information on myths regarding the COVID-19 virus, handling stress, connecting with your child, resources, and more.

Home: About


Information on shelter-in-place versus quarantine


What can you do during shelter-in-place?


Flu, allergies, or coronavirus?


What is Coronavirus?


My name is Coronavirus:


The story of the oyster and the butterfly: The coronavirus and me:


Talk to your child about why school is temporarily closed due to COVID-19. Your child may have heard one of the many false rumors going around at schools, such as "we're all going to die." The following site has a comic illustration about COVID-19 for kids  This site has additional information:

Food, Employment, & Mental Health Resources

"To-Go" breakfast and lunch will be available at OMSD schools for students on regularly scheduled school days during the closure. Please check the following website for updates on times and days


The following are phone numbers for foodbanks. Please keep in mind that some may be closed or may be limited to families that have low income.

  • Abundant Living Family Church (909)987-7110

  • Catholic Charities (909)391-4882

  • Foothill Family Shelter (909)920-0453

  • Isaiah's Rock (909)628-8808

  • City of Montclair Community Center (909)626-8571

  • Mercy House (909)460-6768

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Church (909)986-6154

  • Pomona First Baptist Church (909)629-5277

  • Saint Georges (909)983-2637

  • Salvation Army (909)986-6748

For LA foodbank locator


Please contact OMSD Case Management for more information on food resources if needed: (909)445-1616.

Urgent Mental Health Care- due to the current situation PLEASE CALL BEFORE GOING THERE TO SEE HOW TO ACCESS THEIR SERVICES.

ï‚· San Bernardino County ACCESS and Referral Helpline (All Ages) (888) 743-1478, (909) 386-8256 or 711 for TTY - 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

ï‚· South Coast Community Services, 1425 West Foothill Boulevard, Suite 300, Upland, CA 91786 Phone: (909) 300-2500 ï‚· West End Family Counseling Services, 855 N. Euclid Avenue, Suite 3, Ontario, CA 91762 Phone: (909) 983-2020

ï‚· Mariposa Community Counseling, 2940 Inland Empire Boulevard, Ontario, CA 91764 Phone: (909) 458-1350


Local Assistance with Basic Needs (Food, etc.)

ï‚· Call/Dial  211 – available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. If you are outside the area or dialing 2-1-1 does not work at your place of business, you can always use (888) 435-7565 instead  


Employment Resources:


HUGE list of LA-Based Resources


Impacted Businesses LA

Free Technology & Learning Websites

Myths (False Information) about COVID-19

  • If I get the virus, I'm definitely going to die. FALSE. Only about 2-4% of people who have gotten the virus have died. Of the people that have died, the overwhelming majority had compromised immune systems- such as elderly persons or people with medical conditions that are taking immunosuppressant medications.

  • Only certain ethnicities can get the virus. FALSE. The virus does not discriminate.

  • Wearing a face mask will keep me from getting sick. FALSE. Washing your hands properly is much more effective.  

  • Taking antibiotics, drinking alcohol, or eating certain foods will cure the virus. FALSE. COVID-19 is a viral infection, which means medications or other substances won't cure it.

  • For more information, please see the following link:


Stress Relief Updated 4/1/2020

Everyone has different reactions to stressful situations. Please look at the following website for reactions and how to help by your child's age:


People who have severe stress are more vulnerable to getting sick when exposed to viruses. Taking care of yourself can decrease stress. The following website has a Self-Care Action Plan[1].pdf Has many worksheets, interactive activities, videos, and guides. Some of the topics include anger, anxiety, depression, coping skills, communication, positive parenting, relationships, relaxation, self-esteem, and stress.


A list of coping skills can be found here:

CDC Mental health and coping:


Your child is probably going to have excess energy, especially when they are inside for long periods of time. There are many exercise, yoga, and mindfulness apps and websites. Another helpful tip is to look up Zumba, GoNoodle, or Just Dance YouTube videos.

The following are websites for if you or your family are experiencing anxiety:

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